Picture: Orthex GroupConsumer plastics


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Investments into Finnish Plastics Industry(News)
Agile and versatile plastics industry is a clear bright spot in Finland, where economy otherwise looks not so good. In 2014, a number of plast...

The Finnish plastics Industry pro target for both recycled plastics and renewable raw materials(News)
European plastics producers will support 30% recycled plastic content in plastic packaging, ie recycled plastic, by 2030 throughout the EU. -...

Composites Group presentation(Page)
is FIPIF? Finnish Plastics Industries Federation (FIPIF) is an organisation for plastic product manufacturers in Finland. It brings pl...

Thermoplastics can be molded over and over again with heat. When the material is heated up it melts and when it is cooled down it becomes a ri...

cts or by subcontracting. Plastics has also revolutionized the everyday life of people. The plastic industry in Finland manufactures a wide va...

e association for Finnish plastics manufacturing companies. FIPIF actively promotes the competitiveness and operational preconditions of its m...

ective agreements for the plastics industry, advising in chemical matters and labor market related issues, providing member companies with leg...

Labor market(Page)
The Finnish Plastics Industries Federation conducts, in cooperation with the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, negotiations on collecti...

Advanced Composites Seminar in Turku 30.11.-1.12.2017. (News)
omposite Group of Finnish Plastics Industries Federation organises an international seminar together with Kevra. The seminar opens doors for...

Member companies(Page)
best way to find Finnish plastics companies is by searching on the webpage under topics \"thermoplastics\", \"thermosets\" and \"industry/sec...

General terms of delivery(Page)
The Finnish Plastics Industries Federation recommends these general terms of delivery in case of plastics industry deliveries. General terms o...

Contact information(Page)
FIPIF Finnish Plastics Industries Federation Eteläranta 10, PL 4 00131 Helsinki tel. 09 172 841 firstname.lastname@plastics.fi...

ECHICAL-2022> Technical plastics are mainly used in different industrial applications but also in other demanding surroundings like in the e...

ors to roofs, the Finnish plastics industry can manufacture almost anything....

KiMuRa in English(Page)
äinen, Advisor at Finnish Plastics Industries Federation FIPIF, Composites Group pirjo.pietikainen@plastics.fi Mika Mustakangas, Chair of ...

cessing techniques in the plastics sector....

Composites seminars(Page)
More in Finnish at www.plastics.fi/lujitemuoviseminaari. There is no interpretation at the event. Participation fee For...

Composites Seminars 2024(Page)
more information: www.plastics.fi/compositesseminar/ info@plastics.fi or the finnish site www.plastics.fi/komponyt www.plastics.fi/...

systems to respond to the plastics sector-specific labour market needs by designing, piloting and implementing an innovative vocational traini...

Composites Seminars 2024(Page)
more information: info@plastics.fi or the finnish site www.plastics.fi/komponyt www.plastics.fi/lujitemuoviseminaari Sponsors in 2024...

Composites Seminar 2024 in Pietarsaari: Forces of nature in composites, 6 - 7 November(News)
in 2024 in English at www.plastics.fi/compositesseminar/ and in Finnish at www.plastics.fi/lujitemuoviseminaari or www.plastics.fi/komponyt ...

ontact the office at info@plastics.fi. You will find the international meetings under FIPIF at FIPIF is involved in organizing...

s) Thermosetting plastics are materials that become rigid when they are mixed together with a hardener. Thermoplastics are easy to us...

International meetings(Page)
EN Technical Committee of Plastics piping systems and ducting systems) on May 2016. FIPIF meetings often have standardization issues on age...

Composites Seminar 7-8.10.2021 in Joensuu is cancelled due to Covid(News)
nformation? mail to info@plastics.fi or the site in finnish language at www.plastics.fi/komponyt...

Kovamuovi- käsite(FAQ)
itelty? Kova muovi (rigid plastics) tai jäykkä muovi tarkoittaa aika yleisesti pulloja, rasioita, kanistereita yms jonkinlaisessa muodossa its...

ny companies that recycle plastics and composites. The recycling is made mechanically or by energy recovery....

Raw materials(Page)
are manufactured for the plastics and composites industries. ...

Sector groups(Page)
nt sectors in the plastic industry. These groups gather similar companies with similar interests to cooperate...

demanding but the plastic industry can match the demands....

Transportation, marine and automotive(Page)
s, water or air, all need plastics and composites to perform in an efficient and environmentally friendly way....

Injection molding(Page)
techniques in the plastic industry. A part is manufactured by transferring molten plastic into a mold and cooling it down....

CEN TC 155 plenary meeting 2016(Page)
alainen kari.kuivalainen@plastics.fi +358 40 8439 425 National Standardization Body (NSB) members of CEN/TC 155 host plenary meetings of th...

TEPPFA WG CEST meeting 2015(Page)
alainen kari.kuivalainen@plastics.fi +358 40 8439 425 Member organizations of TEPPFA host WG CEST meetings of the working group members. ...

Ekin Muovi Oy, saving jobs in Finland(News)
V-documentary tells about plastics, entrepreneurship and the people behind all this. How will Ekin Muovi Oy go through the generation change i...

Modern Composite Solutions 22.-23.11.2018, Lahti, Finland(News)
and registration on www.plastics.fi/compositesseminar/ Registration To registration below. Also speakers are asked to registrate...

Agile Composites 27.-28.11.2019 in Valkeakoski, Finland. Registrate now!(News)
and registration on www.plastics.fi/compositesseminar/ Registration Also speakers are asked to sign in. ...

Muovien käyttökelpoisuusmerkinnät(FAQ)
in ovat maakohtaisia. www.plastics.fi/fin/muovitieto/muovit_ja_ymparisto/muovien_kierratys Pikari ja haarukka yhdessä -symboli on Euroopan un...

Muoviputkien asennusopas 2008(FAQ)
lta latausta: http://www.plastics.fi/fin/organisaatio/putkijaosto/julkaisut/ ystävällisin terveisin Lena Jenytin Muoviteollisuus ry ...

Polypropeenin käyttö Suomessa(FAQ)
Tämä on vain arvio, mutta PlasticsEuropen 2013 tilastojenmukaan Suomen muovien käyttö on noin 500 000 tonnia/a ja PP:n keskiarvo-osuus Euroopa...

uten voit sivuiltamme www.plastics.fi todeta, muoveja on todella moneen käyttöön. Myös biomuoveja on paljon erilaisia. Monetkin asiat maailmas...

Mihin kaikkeen biohajoavaa muovia käytetään?(FAQ)
tarkoittavat. http://www.plastics.fi/fin/muovitieto/muovit_ja_ymparisto/biomuovit/ Siellä kerrotaan mm. että biohajoavat muovit ovat muoveja...

Muovin merkinnät(FAQ)
rkit ovat eli http://www.plastics.fi/fin/muovitieto/julkaisukirjasto/...

pakkausvanne (PET)(FAQ)
toimittaa ainakin Pramia Plastics Oy ...

kierrätysmuovin hinta(FAQ)
on muutamia ryhmiä kuten Plastics Recycling, joissa käydään kansainvälistä uusiomuovikauppaa. Yksittäisiä kuluttajia ja taloyhtiöitä en siell...

Pari kysymystä(FAQ)
020 päivitys: https://www.plastics.fi/fin/muovitieto/sanasto/pakkausmerkinnat/...

vaikkapa sivuiltamme www.plastics.fi. Suomessa tehdään sekä bionaftaa muovien valmistukseen että erilaisia metsäteollisuuden tuotteita sekoit...

Synteettinen kova lanka(FAQ)
kierrättää ainakin Pramia Plastics Oy. PET on kestomuovi ja ns. polykondensaatiomuovi, mikä tarkoittaa että se voidaan kierrättää sekä ihan me...

Muovien kierrätys(FAQ)
än koko ajan. http://www.plastics.fi/fin/muovitieto/muovit_ja_ymparisto/muovien_kierratys/ Lisää tietoja löydät myös uusiomuovi.fi sivuilta h...

Muovin hiilijalanjälki(FAQ)
a saa täältä https://www.plasticseurope.org/en/resources/eco-profiles Ja yksi ilmainen Carbon Footprint-laskin, josta tosin ei ole kokemusta...

HDPE ja LDPE erot(FAQ)
esa Kärhä vesa.karha (at) plastics.fi...

Sandwich structures and lightweight structures that are produced by putting together for example light core materials a...

Blow molding(Page)
<TABLE144:BLOW-MOLDING-2> Plastic bottles and canisters are manufactured by blow molding, also other kinds of containers can be made with th...

Thermoforming is a production method where you force a plastic part with pressure and heat into a certain shape....

Finnish subcontractors are fast, skillful and adaptive. In Finland you can find a unique combination of knowledge a...

<TABLE136:CONSUMERS-2022> From boats to household items, in Finland we have companies that manufacture them....

<TABLE137:PACKAGING-2022> To preserve food, move fragile items or protect products from surrounding conditions, packaging is needed. Many co...

Extrusion products are manufactured with a continuous process when molten plastic is pressed through a mold with a certa...

Filament winding(Page)
<TABLE149:FILAMENT-WINDI> Filament winding is a method to produce composite piping and tanks. In the process fibers are wet down with resi...

Hand lay-up(Page)
<TABLE148:HAND-LAY-UP-20> Hand lay-up is a manual method to produce composite products where fibers are placed and then wet down manually ...

An extrusion technique to produce composite pipes and profiles by wetting the fibers with resin and then pulling the we...

Vacuum infusion and RTM(Page)
<TABLE65:VACUUM-INFUSIO> With these methods complex composite products can be produced by injecting resin into a vacuum where fibers are pla...

Rotational molding(Page)
<TABLE146:ROTATION-MOLDI> Rotational molding is a production method suitable for big and hollow parts. Powderlike plastic is put into a mold...

Film extrusion(Page)
<TABLE142:FILM-EXTRUSION> Film extrusion is a production method mainly used in the packaging sector. The film is produced by blowing air int...

Our experts(Page)
