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Lausunnolla olevat standardit

Lausuntokierroksella olevat standardiehdotukset on luettavissa Suomen Standardit SFS:n Lausuntopyyntöpalvelussa. Lausunnot/kommentit standardeihin voit antaa SFS:n Lausuntopyyntöpalvelun kautta.

Kommentit voi lähettää myös sähköpostiin pirjo.pietikainen(a) käyttämällä virallista CEN/ISO -kommentointilomaketta.

Kommentit standardiehdotuksiin tulee antaa englanniksi ellei kyseessä ole puhtaasti kansallinen SFS-standardi.

Kansalliset standardit

Puhtaasti kansallisia SFS-standardeja ei lausuntokierroksella.

Eurooppalaiset standardit


StandardiOtsikkoKomiteaTyövaiheStandardit, jotka uusi kumoaa
15.12.2024prEN ISO 10928Plastics piping systems. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings. Methods for regression analysis and their use (ISO 10928:2024)TC 15550.20
15.12.2024FprEN 488-1District heating pipes. Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Factory made fitting assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethyleneTC 13450.20
15.12.2024FprEN 448District heating pipes. Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Factory made fitting assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethyleneTC 13450.20
15.12.2024prEN 18135Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings. Circular Economy. Floor coverings and underlays passportTC 13450.20
15.12.2024FprEN 15698-1District heating pipes. Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Part 1: Factory made twin pipe assembly of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethyleneTC 13450.20
15.12.2024FprEN 488-2District heating and district cooling pipes. Bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot and cold water networks. Part 2: Factory made steel service valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethyleneTC 13450.20
15.12.2024FprEN 15698-2District heating pipes. Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Part 2: Factory made fitting and valve assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethyleneTC 13450.20
15.12.2024FprEN 1680Plastics piping systems. Valves for polyethylene (PE) piping systems. Test method for leaktightness under and after bending applied to the operating mechanismsTC 15550.20SFS EN 1680:en
15.12.2024FprEN 12100Plastics piping systems. Polyethylene (PE) valves. Test method for resistance to bending between supportsTC 15550.20SFS EN 12100:en
Tiedot päivitetty 15.11.2024

Kansainväliset standardit


Toimialayhteisön hyväksymispäivämääräStandardiOtsikkoKomitea ISOTyövaiheStandardit jotka uusi kumoaa
19.11.2024ISO/DIS 12176-2Plastics pipes and fittings — Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems — Part 2: ElectrofusionTC 21940.20
15.12.2024ISO/DTS 24399.2Thermoplastic pipes for the conveyance of fluids — Inspection of polyethylene butt fusion joints using time of flight diffraction testingTC 13850.20
15.12.2024ISO/FDIS 21036Plastics piping systems for industrial applications — Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) — Metric series for specifications for components and systemTC 13850.20
Tiedot päivitetty