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International Meetings

International meetings in Helsinki, Finland

Finnish Plastics Industries Federation (FIPIF) organizes international meetings in cooperation with European and worldwide network organizations.

In 2017 FIPIF arranged two international meetings. The CEN/TC 107 Plenary in April and the CIPAD Annual Assembly in June.

The most recent meeting in Finland with TEPPFA (The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association) was arranged on May 2015 and with CEN/TC 155 (CEN Technical Committee of Plastics piping systems and ducting systems) on May 2016.

FIPIF meetings often have standardization issues on agenda and cooperation with the Finnish Standards Association SFS is important. SFS is the central standardization organization that controls and coordinates national standardization work in Finland. SFS is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The majority of SFS standards are based on international or European standards. SFS prepares standards together with its 12 affiliates (along with FIPIF) called ‘standards writing bodies’.