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CEN TC 107 plenary meeting 2017

CEN/TC 107 plenary meeting in Helsinki on 25.-26.4.2017

National Standardization Body (NSB) members of CEN/TC 107 host plenary meetings of the standardization committee delegates every one and a half years. Finland was the host country on 25.-26.4.2017 and FIPIF was the plenary meeting organizer in cooperation with the local NSB called Finnish Standards Association (Suomen Standardisoimisliitto SFS ry).

Meeting was organized at the building of the Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (in Finnish “Rakennusteollisuus”). It is situated in the heart of the city and very close to the sea at address Unioninkatu 14. Meeting was arranged in a room called Mylly.

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CEN/TC 107